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An impressive collection of art works can be viewed in the Svitene painting gallery, located in the premises of the Svitene parish administration.
The paintings were created within symposiums and pleinairs by various artists - it took place over several years in the Svitene manor and its park, as well as in the closest area of Svitene - Rundāle. The beautiful environment in the Svitene manor park is a grateful place for pleinairs, which happens for more than 12 years now, also gathering professional artists from other regions of Latvia and even foreign countries.
Each painting is a unique work of art. Thanks to the artist Īra Rozentāle, who is the initiator of the pleinairs, the tradition of collecting the paintings and giving as gift to the Svitene parish was also started, thus creating a gallery of paintings that everyone can view.

  • Visit in the painting gallery